First off, I'd like to thank all of my friends, without you I'd probably be dead.
Second, I really hate backstabbers, liars, cheaters and the like.
Lastly, for all of you backstabbers that are trying to ruin my relationship[s] with certain people in the end it's not going to work. Karma will get you and I will be laughing. It's getting old and annoying; I'm not going to tolerate it. If you think this makes you feel any better, seriously, please stop. I cannot stand it and I'm on to you. Just because he didn't pick you, does not mean that you can try and sabotage our relationship. I apologize that you're not his type, but in all honesty there's someone out there for everyone. Why can't you just accept it and move on? He was my first, therefore it kind of sucks that I can't even have a lasting relationship that could have possibly ended or we could have kept it going if you hadn't ruined it. Now I'm left feeling empty, alone, and sad. The one person that I gave a damn about, that I let my walls come down for YOU tried to take away. Consider this you're warning; you keep doing this, I stop talking to you. Karma's a bitch, and she won't slow down when she's running over you.